The purpose of this guide is to get you started using Correct Contract, and to answer any questions you might have. If, after reading this guide, you have further questions: Please contact me at
The first step is to create an account. You do this by clicking Register in the page header menu. If you can not see this Register text, it means that you already have an account and are logged in!
Upon clicking Register you will be asked to fill in a Nickname and a Password. This is information will later be used to login to Correct Contract, so please remember your choices! The Nickname will also be used by other users to identify you, but more about that later.
Once you’ve entered all information, click the Register button below the form. You should now have an account and be logged in!
If you ever log out of Correct Contract, press Log in in the page header menu; fill in your Nickname and Password; and press the Login button below the form. You should now be logged in.
Once you login to Correct Contract you will be presented by the Sets page. If you have a fresh account there’s not much going on here at the moment; let’s click Profile in the page header menu instead.
In order to bid boards on Correct Contract, you need to have one or several Friends; other users also using Correct Contract. On the Profile page you can send Friend requests by entering the Nickname of another user, and then clicking the Request new friend button.
In order to become friends, the user who receive a friend request will have to accept the request. This is done from the Sets page (the page seen upon logging in, can also be accessed by clicking Sets in the page header menu). Any pending friend requests will be displayed in a list, along with two links: Accept and Deny. If Accept is clicked, you’re now friends and you can bid boards with another. If Deny is clicked, the friend request is removed. If you later decide you do not want to be friends with a particular user, you can visit the Profile page to remove a friend.
On the Profile you will also notice a setting: you can add your e-mail address and choose whether you would like to receive mail or not. Correct Contract will not spam your inbox with advertisements or newsletters, the mail you receive will solely consist of notifications of when your friends has bid, and other activity regarding your user account.
Once you have one or more friends, you can create Sets. A Set in Correct Contract is a number of boards, played with a single partner, where one of you is dealer on every board. Click Create set in the page header menu in order to create a set.
The Create set page may seem a bit daunting, but do not fear! Sets are created by using a Condition script, which allow for endless tweaking of the deal parameters of the set you’re about to bid. Writing these scripts isn’t trivial, but there’s plenty already defined in the Load condition script dropdown menu, and there’s also a link to a tutorial if you’d like to learn how-to write your own.
Once you’ve written or loaded a script, you should fill out the Set name and the Number of deals in the form. You should also choose which Partner you would like to play with (only your Friends are available as a choice). You can also choose if you or your partner should be Dealer on the boards in the set.
Once the form has been filled, click the Create set button in the bottom left of the form in order to create the set.
If you go back to the Sets page (by clicking Sets in the page header menu) you’ll now see the Sets in which you participate. A small symbol to the left of the set name indicates the status of the set: a clock tells you that it is your partner’s turn to bid; an exclamation mark tells you that you have at least one board left to bid; and a checkmark tells you that you’ve both finished bidding all the boards in the set.
In order to bid boards in a set, or review a finished set, click on the set name. If you have boards to bid, this will take you to the first board of the set where it is your turn.
When accessing a board where it is your turn, you will see a bidding table with all the bids made so far. You will also see your hand, and a bidding box at the bottom of the screen. In order to make a bid, just click on the bid you want to make. You can also leave a comment on the specific bid, by writing in the text field of the bidding box before clicking on the bid.
When you have bid you will automatically be taken to the next board in the set where it is your turn. The exception is if there are no boards left where it is your turn, or if you passed and as a result the bidding had ended (in this case you will see both your own and your partner’s hands, so you can review the bidding). You can always navigate between boards in the set by using the dropdown menu just below the page header menu.
If you find a set interesting you can share the set with your other friends who haven’t bid those boards yet. By doing this you can later compare and comment on each others auctions. To share a set, click on the share icon to the right of the set name on the Sets page. You will be taken to a separate page where you fill out two of your friends who you want to share with.
When both you and your partner has finished bidding a set, you can click on the set name on the Sets page and get an overview of the complete set. From here you can review all of the boards in the set, and also comment on each others bidding. If the set is shared with other users, you will see a list at the top of the screen where you can access their auctions.